Rabu, 27 Maret 2013

"::: ~* The Power Love In Silence *~ :::"


( Biarkanlah jemari ini mengetik bait-bait kata yang tersimpan dalam sebuah untaian bahasa) !!! Tersedar ramai - ramai jika seseorang mengungkap rasa dalam hati tapi paham tak jika ternyata (Kehormatan)dalam jiwa ternoda  !!


<3 The power of love in silence, there is a series of beautiful words in prayer. . . ,

<3 The power of love in silence, taught to be patient in waiting. . ,

<3 The power of love in silence. teaches the soul to keep ... honor...

<3 The power of love in silence, like a shield that protects the name of love for God ...,

<3 because of the power of love in the silence of the soul teaches mature in thought and action ...,

<3 And let me learn to love you in silence, because there will always be prayer saved you


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